It’s that time of year again. Leaves are changing colors, the air is crisp, everything is pumpkin flavored and…’s starting to get dark. Dark in the morning, dark in the evening. It’s just plain dark. 

No matter how much we try to deny it summer is over, autumn is here and it brings with it a whole new set of considerations for running, not the least of which is learning to run in the dark. If you are an early riser (and by early we mean before 7am, which come on, the day is half over by then!) you have probably found yourself with limited visibility on the road when you go for a run. If you found or fell back in love with running during the lockdown and want to keep it up through the long night then you’ll want to have the right gear to see and be seen. 

We recommend the following: 

A headlamp – the most basic piece of equipment you can invest in. It will light your way and help cars see you coming. We have several to choose from that are rechargeable or battery operated.

Reflective vests – these are easily adjustable to be worn on top of anything. They will not light your way but they will definitely light you up when cars come your way. Think about the last time you were driving and saw someone on the side of the road at the last second and thought “why weren’t they wearing something brighter?”

Reflective lights – these magnetic, blinking lights can be put on anything. Your pants, your shirt, your hat, your dog, anything. We cannot stress enough, the more reflective items you wear the better you will be seen!

If you like to carry your phone for music or safety reasons we have reflective arms bands and reflective waist pouches to carry it in. This time of year most cold weather or winter running gear has additional reflective striping which won’t do on its own but will be a nice compliment to your other items. 

You really can’t overdo it with lights or reflective items this time of year. You may end up looking like a Christmas tree running down the road but at least you will be a seen Christmas tree! Don’t hesitate to stop in to see what we have and ask us any questions! We are committed to finding you all the right gear for your activities! 

Now if you will excuse us, it’s time for our pumpkin latte with our pumpkin muffin and a side of pumpkin bread.